Company Policy
Code of conduct
Our Company makes every effort to comply with ethical business standards and strives to be a part of a responsible society in which all its members strive for common welfare and preservation of the environment. In order to outline the principles, rules and values that are fundamental in organizing the company's work in all aspects of its functioning, we adopted the Code of Conduct. The Code is mandatory for all employees and managers of the company. At the same time, we hope that all our business partners and counterparties follow similar standards to ensure responsible business conduct.
The Code was developed in accordance with national laws and regulations, as well as the guiding principles of the OECD Guidelines regarding the due diligence procedure in the practice of responsible business conduct. Code of conduct
Gender equality
Limited Liability Company Larus confirms the recognition of the importance of ensuring gender equality and empowering women. We consider "gender equality" as equal rights, freedoms and opportunities for all human beings, regardless of their gender, social role or sexual orientation.
We define the following main tasks of the gender equality policy:
- promoting awareness of gender equality;
- ensuring the absence of restrictions or privileges based on gender;
- prevention of discrimination, harassment and violence based on gender, and when such situations are detected, taking measures to resolve and settle them;
- ensuring equal pay for the same work performed, regardless of gender;
- giving women the same opportunities for professional development in the company that men have;
- providing of paid maternity leave and providing of child care leave.
The person responsible for the implementation of the gender equality policy is appointed
Hanchuk R.V. (Manager of Foreign Economic Activities of LLC Larus).
Grievance mechanism
Limited Liability Company "Larus" strives to ensure human rights and freedoms protection to its employees, counterparties and related community. For this purpose, we set up this Grievance Mechanism as a process scheme for dealing with complaints within the company as well as with problems caused by any of our company operations for external parties.
We officially confirm that using the grievance mechanism will not lead to complainant employment termination, threats or revenge.
Each step should be communicated to the complainant (if not anonymous). In case of an anonymous complaint, the results of each step may be communicated publicly, if it does not interfere with confidentiality of the complainant.
Grievance Mechanism consists of the following steps:
- Receiving of the grievance.
- Review of the grievance.
- Investigation.
- Remediation plan development.
- Implementation of the plan and monitoring activities.
- Follow-up and analysis.
Receiving of the grievance.
The complainant may submit the grievance in one of the below mentioned ways:
- verbally/in person – directly to either grievance committee or gender committee representatives, or supervisor/director;
- written complaint handed to either grievance committee or gender committee representatives, or supervisor/director;
- sending email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
- calling or sending SMS to +380504386224 or calling to +380322395010;
- by post to the address Larus LLC, 47 O.Stepanivny str., Lviv, 79018, Ukraine;
- by submitting a form on this website.
You can get acquainted with the full version of grievance mechanism in the attached file.